адвокат народу
In 2021, we were approached by a client representing a conglomerate of companies in the field of gas and electricity distribution services to develop a custom CRM system
Market audit
Clients programs
Web/mobile design
Адвокат Народу
Advokat Narodu (Адвокат Народу) - is a leading legal ecosystem in Ukraine, offering a digital platform where citizens can easily access legal services provided by registered lawyers. With a vast network of lawyers and a user-friendly interface, the platform has become a market leader in Ukraine
Legal Tech
In Progress
Our approach
This company was built from the ground up. We developed not only the entire website but also the complete platform and its underlying logic for "Advokat Naroda" from scratch. We didn't just create a website—we built a fully functional platform tailored to meet all the specific needs and complexities of their business. This included securing the necessary domains, setting up servers and hosting, ensuring data protection, and providing ongoing technical support. In addition to the technical aspects, we also crafted their market entry strategy, visual branding, and communication tone.
We designed the website, optimized traffic, and managed their social media promotion. A crucial part of our work involved sourcing lawyers for the platform and enhancing their personal marketing presence. Thanks to our comprehensive efforts, the project quickly became a market leader in Ukraine. The company continues to collaborate with us, reaffirming the success and reliability of our partnership.
5500+ Lawyers Registered
We expanded the platform's network to over 5500 registered lawyers, offering users a diverse range of legal expertise
250 000+ Monthly Visitors
Through targeted marketing efforts and platform enhancements, we increased monthly visitors to Адвокат Народу to over 250,000, significantly boosting user engagement
165 000+ Processed Requests
Our streamlined processes and improved platform functionality enabled the efficient processing of over 165,000 legal requests, demonstrating the scalability and effectiveness of our solutions
85 000+ Members in our professional legal community
Our service allows people to share experiences, ask questions and discuss various legal issues within this community. This helps professionals exchange information and expand their knowledge
16 000+ requests are processed by ecosystem lawyers every month
С самого начала мы помогли создать надежный поток доходов, обеспечив более полмиллиона долларов от онлайн-продаж, используя наш опыт в цифровой коммерции и маркетинге
Our Achievements:
Lawyers Registered
250 000+
Monthly Visitors
165 000+
Total Processed Requests
85 000+
Members in our professional legal community
16 000+
Requests are processed by lawyers every month